Mindful Mommies & Daddies



Connecting and encouraging an inward focus.
Taking the time to focus inward as a parent is imperative, as we often spend most of time and energy focusing on our keiki. These workshops are designed to take the time to work on ourselves, for when we are our best selves we are able to give our best to others.




Mother & Daughter Yoga and Parent + Child Acro Yoga are a couple of the wonderful specialty family classes we offer.  
These hour-long specialty classes give parents the opportunity to find their zen right next to their child. Participating in yoga as a family can bring out wonderful moments of connection, stability and understanding between parent and child. We especially love the moments at the end of class during Savasana when we see kiddos cuddling up beside their parent, or reaching out to hold hands with their loved one. Come and connect with your kids as you try something new together!

Check our upcoming events or schedule for classes coming soon.